Sunday, August 9, 2009

"Have you narrowed in on a major yet"

The other day I was late for work, and thus punished to sort hangers for 9 hours straight when I had a very rude awakening that I am literally the only person out of my group of friends that hasn't graduated or is attending school or even planning on it or even humoring the idea of attending school. So naturally, I started thinking about what I should do for a career. Enough of this kid retail bull shit, I need a real job and here are a few things that have come up in my mind.
1. Astronaut: This sounds pretty far fetched even to me, but then I started thinking about it more and more. The rigorous testing is basically carnival rides that I can train for at coney island, I love eating dehydrated food while floating and I look really good in a jump suit. Based off of every training film I've watched for this, Armageddon to be more specific, all I basically have to do is be a bad ass with a heart of gold, check, have no experience in flying a multi million dollar air craft, check, and fall in love with a rock star's daughter, not so check. If a monkey can do it and even a chick then I think I'd at least be an average space man.

Insert funny caption...I've resorted to
back sass t shirt lines.

2. Pro wrestler: Have you seen the WWE's in pretty sad shape. All I'm saying is they could use one less rapping buff guy in a thong and one more 20 something Italian smart ass that loves snacking. I already have a name of the "junk food kid" picked out and I could blow pork rind dust into my opponents eyes and my championship belt can be made of Dickie's and have a gold embroidered face of the Andy Caps chip guy. Plus I talk allot of shit, like so much shit.

I mean he seems like a nice enough guy,
but come on, he's had his time.

3. Drugs: This one is pretty general and open ended. I could sell them, ship them or just start doing them. Anything to just block out the sadness which has become my life really. I made one attempt at selling fake cocaine at a party but my friends immediately thought I was just kidding and being "funny" so I was just left with a baggie of baking powder which totalled me in at a slight loss.

No matter how street smart they look, somebody
will end up buying my stash.

4. inventions: I have been trying to come up with or steal a good idea for some new inventions or technologies for as long as I can remember, but it turns out my friends are pretty set on talking about beer. I did come up with an idea for a bug repellent hat but was quickly told that they sell them in the "sky mall" magazine that they have on airplanes, which I claim to have invented also.

Looks just as happy as I had
pictured when I designed it.

5. Mugging people: I've known for quite some time now that I'm not very intimidating looking to people I try to scare. In the right circumstance though, and in a mask I thought i could pull it off. This also back fired when the kid I stuck up pulled out a sling shot and stole my wallet which had my subway sandwich shop rewards card in it, with enough hole punches to cash in on a free foot long. Needless to say, the meatball marinara is not in my immediate future.

Kids are way too hard to rob
these days.

What can I say, I tried my hardest and I just couldn't come through. One day I"ll look back and laugh as I tell these tales to my poverty stricken children as they desperately huddle around our barell of fire to stay warm. They however will have a steady income to bring back to our alley from their chimney sweeping jobs, because chimneys will always need a sweeping my friends...always.