Thursday, June 11, 2009

The top 5 reasons for excusing Yabo's behavior

I Recently went on a week long trip to SF where I ran into a close friend of mine, Yabo. He's also told me he's heading to NYC next month to come see his parents and maybe me so I thought' I'd give some pointers on dealing with Yabo for novices in the big apple.With such an accomplished partyer as himself there needs to be a set outline on one liners the party thrower may hear. So, here is the's the top 5 reasons for excusing Yabo's behavior...

1. "Sorry for Partying"-A Yabo staple, this line in itself could arguably sum up this man. It establishes dominance in the situation and evokes sympathy for him at the same time. Whether your trying to block him from jumping down your stairs into your grandparents antiques or begging him to stop putting his testicles on everything, this one liner is gonna leave an amateur party thrower dead in his tracks.

2. "Don't be that dude that gets bummed because I_______"-Another classic from this party animal will have you speechless if unprepared. The reason this line is so dangerous is that it will immediately grab support from his drunken peers that only hear a confrontation involving a friend and you, who is now "THAT dude". The blank is usually filled with "farted on you" or "had a naked hot sauce fight".

3. "Whatever _____, you used to be down"-This line is usually a distraction method in which he uses when something way more sinister is happening in the party you left unattended to deal with the matter at hand. At this stage in the night if this line is used then I'm assuming frozen foods have been stolen or under aged kids have entered your house/dorm room.

4. "Am I blowing it"?- This line is thrown out there right after something horrible has happened. The answer to this question is almost always Yes, but the fact that he would even ask it throws people off and kind of makes them think he kind of apologized which gives him 10-15 more minutes of solid partying.

5. "Up all night, creek all day"-A classic spoof on Slaughter's "up all night, sleep all day". This is Screamed repeatedly by Yabo and his peers and at this point shirts are off and depending on the night pants may be off as well. The origins of this battle cry are derived from Boulder Colorado's boulder creek, a party haven for Yabo who's spent countless summer days drinking in it's cool and refreshing waters.

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