Saturday, February 13, 2010

Just when I thought my two friends Clay and Bart couldn't get any cooler, they show me a thing or two and get significantlly cooler and studlyer. Apparently these rascals were at a party last night with the social allite of NYC and for some reason, I wasn't invited. I can see why though, because I do hate drinking with friends in a social setting and I really don't have any dress up clothes.

I know, I made the same mistake too. Gabe
isn't wearing formal clothes like Clay but he
is dressed like the smog strangler.

I tried calling Clay to ask how it felt to be up on the site but he didn't pick up my call, kind of been happening allot with him lately...maybe his phone is messed up or something. Iphones are notorious for not adhering to basic functions like ringing when a great friend is calling, but they are really good for tweetering and they have that cool application that makes gun noises. If I had an Iphone, which will probably never happen considering I am the only person who speaks english and is over the age of 14 who still has a "boost mobile" account, I would download the best friend app that calls your best friends up and lets them know that your having the time of your life and you want to share the wealth...that's the kinda app that I would buy if it was under $2.99.

Also, another great friend was attending this party that I've read so much about. Bart Strang, the Bart Strang that has "el barto" tattooed on his left butt cheek, was there and it looked like he had a blast. Man, I bet everybody at that party probably had a really great time cause it looked like allot of fun. It's too bad I didn't hear about it, cause Bart also has an Iphone too so maybe it's been on the fritz latley like Clays. For three hundred dollars these phones are really bad about recieving and making calls to best friends about parties that look like the most fun I'd ever have.

Judging by this enormous smile, I'm just gonna
assume that bart had a terrible time without

Didn't look like that much of a

Well, yeah I'm glad I didn't go to that party because I woul...I wouldn't have eve...I I can't stop crying. I don't need those guy.. ohh god, I I I (sobbing) hate thi...(boogers) uhhhhhhh (both sobbing and boogers, some hunger noises from my stomach but thats unrelated). Oh boy, all that crying and blowing my noise was a bad idea, especially onto Rich's laptop.
Sorry guys, I.O.U one blog post, this one sucks.

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