Friday, May 8, 2009

If you can't beat them, copy them

The stress of my modern work place has left me both tired and depressed as of late until yesterday at noon, while I was sniffing paint on my roof, I had an opifuny. I had a vision of starting a zine, whether or not this vision had anything to do with's recent realse of a zine or the mind altering affects of the paint fumes I couldn't tell you because I was pretty chiefed at the time. But none the less I got to work and began my planning on how to turn a modertly funny blog on the internet into a zine that asshole wierdo's will judge at coffee shops.

Planning and graphing: I can honestly say I don't know anything about making or creating anything really, I barley know enough about dot coms to fandangle my way with a post once a week. I do however know how to make a ven diagram. The ven diagram is truely the ying yang of graphs, morphing together dank ideas for a chill result.

It took 2 hours, but it was totally worth it

Multiple problems were blocking my 24 hour dream of having my own zine. Unlike partygay I am a one man staff, a lone ranger, the solo amigo. Funding was gonna be a huge componet if I wanted to get anywhere with this future waste of time. So I've decided to propuse an offer with a young man, who shall remain nameless, who lives on 63 and 1st and lives in a pyscho loft scattered with beanies and perogie shells, mother with a "how to sponsor a nice young boy with a dream" business offer.

I'll have to transform from a young doofus...

...into one of the family

Trial and error: So after 5 call out's from work, countless nights of little to no sleep and a corn on my toe I did it. Nothing could stop me now, not west nile virus, not killer bees nor craddle cap. All the hard work paid off and I am proud to present the official cover of the Farthumorquarterly's first ever zine! This cover will be presented to Ms. Goldberg as a token of my dedication to creating a better toilet read.

After countless rough drafts, the staff
concluded that this was the perfect
cover for the zine.

So I began work on recreating 200 copies of the cover, still with no ideas for stories to fill the zine with. I also quickly realized this would have to be done by hand and inlisted help from a young woman who I consider to be my right hand man. So whether you want to view this as wacky, funny or horrible every other cover is gonna be in different hand writing, but you can barley tell the differance anyway ....

Hard to spot, but this is one of the remakes
done by Lace T.
So there you have it America, my pledge to bring you a zine has been set by the date of eventually where laughter will meet paper. I'd like to thank my future sponsor Ms. Goldberg and the rest of my fans and followers, but I would not like to thank my boss who is a huge bitch and a buzzkill.

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