Sunday, May 10, 2009

"Last Niiiiiiiggggghhhhhtttttt"

Things have been pretty out of control here at the farthumorquarterly compound and I've been swamped with the blogging, the tech decking and especially the china express take out. And through all this chaos and stress of my day to day routine I forgot about one important thing....going out to bars with friends and completely blowing it. So I've decided to clear some things up on what happened with me and the strokes last night.

I arrived at the Royal Oak tavern well into my 2nd beer so I was already pretty intoxicated. The night proceeded as usual, Peter talked art with a stranger, Evan and Pedro were giggling in a corner, I wrote on every pint glass I saw with a paint pen and then all of the sudden Peter approaches me with glee and excitement. "Don't freak out" he whispers at me with his hand over his mouth, "But that's the bassist of THE STROKES". This is no Randy Rhoades were talking about here, this is some guy with a monk haircut and a velvet sash.

For those of you who are not currently residing
in Williamsburg Brooklyn, picking this man out
of a crowd is like finding a vintage needle in a

In a drunken blurr I made a split second decision...I was going to approach this guy. With the blessings of none of my friends I darted towards the man who at this point was visibly uncomfortable. "Hey you! I have to tell you about this guy that changed my life" I said. His cool confident demeanor was suddenly a frown and he looked up and said "do I know you"? I slowly went into how his music changed my life, steered me on a path of good and sobriety and how I carved his name into my arms with a compass from algebra class. "Do you even know my name" he said? Panicked I calmly answered "probably". The group of Hip librarian girls looked at me with horror and a "he's not vegan" look...

If you look close enough you can see how
bummed the girl in the background is, and if you
look even closer you can see she's chosen to be
a lesbian until graduation, shock value!!!

So after my Chirs farley Esq rant, I left him with a "god bless", fittingly, and was on my way to bigger and more important things...I.E. getting high and egging chicks from my roof. I also wrote a on his wine glass so hopefully he see's this and gets the humor that I saw in interrupting his chance at the worlds most indy threesome.
Completely not stoned, I began part
one of my long series of lectures about
my plans of the booger circus...
until next time this captain fart humor signing off, wishing you all the best in your future efforts in bumming out handsome and talented has beens.

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