Monday, April 6, 2009

Cling on's...

Everyone wants a good idea, but usually the ideas of the masses are unoriginal and plain shitty. If you've got mild succsess in whatever it is you've choosen to put time into, there are gonna be unavoidable Cling on's. You know the types, its the "if you ever need any illustrations" or "I used to play the blank" or "I've wrote a few funny stories that you may li...". Here's a couple instances where this has come up amongst friends

Coconut Beach doesn't need a tamborine player, back up vocals or upcoming album art. Leave the talent to the talented people.

Rich, Yabo and Katz are funny people and if they haven't asked you for your ideas and contributions then guess what? Your probably not funny, or maybe you are funny who cares.

*For the record I checked with neither coconut beach nor party gay to see if they were having problems with cling on's, I just assumed that they were and made a post about it because I'm just "that kind of guy". however would love any contributions you have of poetry, crappy drawings, knock off ideas of mine or others and whatever else you may have to make my blog less appealing.

Captain fart humor

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